The Best Care

For the best companions.


happy husky looking up to the camera

Annual wellness exams are important for all pets, just like a health physical is important for all humans. We perform these wellness checks regularly in order to establish a base line of health for each of our patients. This makes it easier for us to identify health conditions as soon as they develop, making us able to treat them quickly and efficiently.

Dental Care for Cats

cute cat yawning while lying near the window

Dental disease is the most common disease that we see in cats. It is a serious condition that can affect your cat’s appetite, heart, liver and kidney functions. Your cat can be trained to allow brushing of his/her teeth. If this is not possible then there are proven dental therapies and oral sealants that can be implemented.
If proper at home dental care is given then dental cleanings would start at 3 years old with a dental exam and full mouth dental radiographs. All cats will receive medication to calm them and prevent any anxiety before anesthesia is started for the dental cleaning.
An IV catheter and fluids are given to prevent dehydration, regulate blood pressure and heart rate. During surgery heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygenation level, temperature and blood pressure are monitored. Digital dental radiographs (x-ray) will allow the veterinarian to evaluate the entire tooth, periodontal ligament, and bone structures. Most of the tooth is below the gum line which makes it only visible with radiographs.

Dental Care for Dogs

a dog face close up with opened mouth

Dental disease is the most common disease that we see in dogs. It is a serious condition that can affect your dog’s quality of life and damage the heart, kidneys and liver. Your dog can be trained to allow brushing of his/her teeth. In addition, there are proven dental diets and oral sealants that can be implemented.
If proper at home dental care is given then dental cleanings would start at 2½ to 3½ years old with a dental exam and full mouth dental radiographs. All dogs will receive medication to calm them and prevent any anxiety before anesthesia is started for the dental cleaning.
An IV catheter and fluids are given to prevent dehydration, regulate blood pressure and heart rate. During surgery heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygenation level, temperature and blood pressure are monitored. Digital dental radiographs (x -ray) will allow the veterinarian to evaluate the entire tooth, periodontal ligament, and bone structures. Sixty percent of the tooth is below the gum line which makes it only visible with radiographs.


white pekingese dog siting in the grass

We provide important vaccinations needed for all pet life stages. Vaccines are the core of protection from common illness. Our individually vaccination protocol is determined, based on the needs and lifestyle of your pet.

Spay & Neuter

We believe that it’s important for all pets that are not being bred to be spayed and neutered. Spaying and neutering improves your pet’s health, life expectancy, and behavior! We perform spay and neuter surgeries using state-of-the-art surgical techniques and safe anesthesia with IV fluids on every patient.


white cornish rex kitten portrait

We provide radiology services at our hospital, enabling us to use x-ray internal imaging on our patients. This allows us to image and understand what is happening inside the pet. We also perform digital dental x-rays that allow us to identify and treat a dental disease that is hidden below the gum line. 


cute puppy siting in the grass

At Lebanon Animal Hospital, we use the highest standards of anesthesia administration, as set by the American Animal Hospital Association. We perform pre-anesthetic blood work, to ensure that each of our patients is healthy enough for anesthesia. Our adherence to AAHA standards means that your pet is a safe as possible.


cute cat watching towards the camera

Our in-house ultrasound is part of our internal diagnostic technology. We use ultrasound to visualize internal the body in a whole new way. Our LOGIC e vet machine is state of the art.


cocker spaniel sat itching in the park

We provide dermatology services for pets with uncomfortable skin conditions, especially those related to allergies. 10% of pets have allergies and many times this is a contributing factor in a pets overall well-being.

Internal Medicine

funny cat lying near the book

Internal medicine is a very important part of pet medical care. We at Lebanon Animal Hospital provide this at the highest level possible. Weperform internal diagnostics and treat a variety of medical cases. If your pet is ill, we are equipped to help.


cute small puppy playing with the owners shoe

Is your pet misbehaving? Is he or she engaging in behavior that is not typical? We can help. We provide behavioral counseling services designed to help us identify any underlying health problems and training techniques to eliminate unwanted behavior.

Laser Therapy Treatment

Laser therapy, or “photobiomodulation,” is the use of specific wavelengths of light to create therapeutic effects. These effects include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling. Laser therapy can help with:
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Joint Pain
  • Tendinopathies
  • Edema and Congestion
  • Ligament Sprains
  • Muscle Strains
  • Puncture Wounds
  • Post-Traumatic Injury
  • Post-Surgical Pain
  • Neck and Back Pain
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Burns
  • Chronic Wounds
  • Rehabilitation
  • Post-Orthopedic
  • Surgical Recovery


Animal Chiropractic is a branch of animal health care that specializes in the proper functioning and health of the spinal column and entire neuro-musculo-skeletal system (a complex structure composed of bones, ligaments, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatics that provides a framework of support, protection of the central nervous system, and protection of internal organs). This is done by focusing on how the joints of the spine and extremities move and how these movements are related to a pet’s overall health and wellness. Why? Because nerves control everything that happens in animals, Anything adversely affecting the nervous system (such as restricted movement), pets can experience repetitive stress injuries and sprains which will have detrimental effects that will resonate throughout the eritire body, By removing neurologic communication barriers, we can restore the body to normal function and preserve overall health. Broader benefits include superior immune function, healthier metabolism, and a vibrant nervous system, facilitating your animal’s natural ability to heal.
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